Monday, February 25, 2013

Full Moon February 25th

Today is the Full Moon, and I'll add a few posts late tonight.  I've finally got the finished interview with Pee Wee Wiggins about "building a wall", we'll have another "Match of the Moon", Catalina Suarez has written a piece about one of the "Backgammon Wonders of the World", and we may get an update from Jake and Alex on Post Gammon!

The moon will be full at 3:26 P.M. in Bogotá.  This is the Life Moon according to the post-post-new-old moon calendar; remember and celebrate the phenomenon of life in all it's forms if that's your thing.  The full moon rises at sunset (the full moon that happens for an instant at 3:26 P.M.)  Tonight in the Americas the moon will come up a bit after the sun goes down.  Maybe in places further east it will rise before the sun sets tonight.  Find a hill and enjoy!  Also, please don't believe anything you read on the internet because it's probably wrong.  I think I've got a pretty good handle on my moon astrology, but double check me before you pass on any of this info.

1 comment:

  1. I recognize that board! How long have you had that thing Mr. Weller?
